So on the 8th was my 2 month anniversary of my new lungs! My lungs are functioning around 70% which should increase over time. The doctors seemed pretty happy about it. They had to adjust one of my immuno-suppressant meds and my morning insulin b/c I was bottoming out too low. My weight is up to 97. So I still have some ways to go but on a good path so far. Before transplant, I was down to around 93 pounds and my lung function was in the 20's! Oh my oxygen saturation has been around 99 and even up to 100!!! Before TX, it was around 94 or less when I was even sicker.
On Friday I saw the GI surgeon who did my Nissen Fundoplication surgery. Didn't tell me much new but did take the annoying dressing out of my bellybutton! Yeay! Now I get to look at how gross it is, hehe. It hasn't even been quite 3 weeks yet so it should look a lot better over time. I'll share some lovely pics with ya, hehe.
Tuesday I will have a bronch / lung biopsy to check for any rejection or infection and clean out anything sitting around down there. I know something is in there but haven't been able to get it out so hopefully the doctor will get it out then. I'll try to update soon after my appointment. Thanks again to all those who have been so supportive!
Congrats on your anniversary! :) Thanks for the updates it's really great to hear you are doing better each day. - Leah